Remedial Investigation,
Planning and Oversight Services
Thunderbird staff members have extensive experience with the assessment and characterization of contaminated sites ranging from site assessments for property transactions to urban redevelopments, PCB sites, energy facilities, waterfront improvements, and federally regulated cleanup projects.

Thunderbird’s remedial investigation, planning and oversight services include:
Construction Inspection and Environmental Monitoring
Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling
Data Analysis and Reporting
Database Management and Development
Evaluation of Cleanup Criteria
Environmental Liability Assessments and Management Strategies
Groundwater and Subsurface Investigations
Groundwater Modeling
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
Indoor Air Monitoring
Landfill Leachate Evaluation
NAPL and DNAPL Delineation
Risk Assessment
Sampling and Analysis Plans
Soil Gas Surveys
Surface Water and Sediment Sampling