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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business


Thunderbird Environmental, LLC is a 100% Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB) that was founded by Darby Hittle.  Darby is a Veteran of the United States Air Force, where he served as a fire protection specialist assigned to Air Force One from 1988 to 1990, and as a civil engineer/fire protection specialist in Panama from 1986 to 1988.


Image by Samuel Branch

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Contractor of the Year 2017

US Department of Agriculture

Natural Resources Conservation Service

Thunderbird Environmental

For Providing Outstanding Support and Service


Past Performance

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Lower Yellowstone River Fish Bypass Project –SWPPP Administration

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the pallid sturgeon as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1990.  The best available science suggests that existing Lower Yellowstone River Intake Diversion Dam impedes upstream migration of pallid sturgeon and their access to potential spawning and larval drift habitat.  The Lower Yellowstone River is considered to be one of the best opportunities for recovery of pallid sturgeon. 

The federal action of modifying the Intake Dam and constructing a 2.4-mile fish bypass will improve passage for endangered pallid sturgeon and other native fish in the lower Yellowstone River and reduce entrainment of fish into the Lower Yellowstone Project main canal while still delivering the full water right to the Lower Yellowstone Project. The project is jointly management by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR).  The exposed construction area of the project is greater than 250 acres.   

Thunderbird Environmental LLC and its Montana-certified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Administrator are the SWPPP Administrator for the Lower Yellowstone River Fish Bypass and Weir Construction Project in Glendive, Montana.  The project and Thunderbird’s work began in June 2019 is expected to be complete with final stabilization in October 2023.


Soil vapor Survey for the National Park Service Colt Firearms Factory in Hartford, CT

Thunderbird performed Soil Vapor Sampling as part of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the US National Park Service (NPS) at the Former Colt Armory Complex (COLT), in the city of Hartford, Connecticut.   As part of the evaluation, a total of sixteen (16) sub-slab soil vapor samples were collected from beneath the former Colf Firearms Foundry building.  Soil vapor samples were collected using state-of-the art soil vapor sampling technology in an effort to evaluate whether historical site uses have resulted in potential vapor intrusion issues beneath a proposed National Park Service Visitors Center.

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US Forest Service – Environmental Assessment (EA) Grand Teton National Park

Thunderbird Environmental and Cirrus Ecological Solutions completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the United States Forest Service (USFS) in conjunction with planned improvements to the Jackson Hole Mountain Ski Resort located adjacent to Grand Teton National Park.  Specifically, Thunderbird assisted with evaluating septic system modifications to the existing Corbet’s Cabin and replacing the outdated and undersized 50-year-old facility, installation of a large septic tank and an appropriately sized leach field.  Thunderbird’s work involved geologic and hydrogeologic evaluations associated with considering septic system modification options that would result in the least possible impacts (and zero impacts) to nearby sensitive ecological receptors.

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Ralph R. Johnson VA Medical Center Industrial Hygiene Services

In 2020 Thunderbird was awarded a multi-year contract to provide Industrial Hygiene Services to the Ralph R. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston South Carolina.  The services include hazardous building materials surveys, indoor air monitoring, Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) services, and compliance / monitoring evaluations throughout the VA medial campus.

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USDA NRCS – Environmental Database Review Reports

During Hurricane Sandy in 2012, large portions of the shoreline sustained significant flood damage within water resources

such as freshwater tributaries and rivers. As a component of the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act (DRAA) of 2013, the

United States Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) conducted work consistent with Section 606(1) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) throughout New England, including Environmental Reviews of coastal areas inundated by Hurricane Sandy.

Thunderbird Environmental LLC performed services in support of the Clean Water Act (CWA) for NRCS in collaboration
with local municipalities, including surface water sampling, environmental assessments, and hazardous building materials surveys in 2018. The Scope of services included assessing property damaged by the storm surge; assessing soil and groundwater conditions within a former solid waste landfill that was located within an NRCS easement area; collecting sediment and surface water samples within a tidal creek; and preparing and submitting written reports to the NRCS.

The size of the project encompassed greater than 30 acres.

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